Welcome to IPI Garut Campus
Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut (IPI Garut) It is a higher education institute with a long history and remarkable achievements. Strategically located and equipped with comprehensive facilities, IPI Garut is an excellent choice for prospective students seeking quality education. Accredited by BAN-PT, IPI Garut ensures the quality of education provided to its students. Furthermore, the accomplishments achieved by IPI Garut serve as tangible proof of the institute's competence and excellence.
Latest News
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Garut, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia (IPI) – Civitas Akademika Program Pendidikan Profesi Guru (PPG)…
Mahasiswi IPI Garut Torehkan Prestasi Gemilang di Ajang International Rafting Championship
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Mahasiswi IPI Garut Raih Juara 1 di Ajang Bergengsi Kejuaraan Karate Piala Kepala Kejaksaan Tinggi Jawa Barat
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2024Informasi NRG dan Pengecekan Nomor Sertifikat Pendidik Tahap 3
Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb. Yth. Bapak/Ibu, Berikut ini adalah informasi penting terkait penerbitan Nomor Registrasi Guru (NRG) bagi lulusan Program Pendidikan Profesi Guru (PPG) Guru Tertentu Tahap III tahun 2024: NRG Tidak Ditangani oleh LPTK Proses…
- 07:0023:30(January 06, 2025)
2025Wawasan Kebhinekaan Global bagi Mahasiswa PPG Calon Guru Gelombang 2 Tahun 2024
Pada hari Sabtu, 7 Desember 2024, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia (IPI) Garut menyelenggarakan kegiatan Wawasan Kebhinekaan Global bagi Mahasiswa PPG Calon Guru Gelombang 2 Tahun 2024. Acara ini bertujuan untuk memperkuat pemahaman calon guru terhadap pentingnya…
What Our Students Say

AlumniThe Indonesian Institute of Education (IPI) is a higher education institution focusing on educational sciences, offering programs that prepare graduates to become teachers. This institute has been established for a long time. It boasts a clean, well-maintained, comfortable, safe, and peaceful environment. In addition to its excellent facilities, its graduates are high achievers. Moreover, IPI students frequently organize major events, showcasing their talents and enthusiasm.

Rizka Aditriyana
AlumniOne of the most popular campuses among high school and vocational school graduates is IPI GARUT (Indonesian Institute of Education). This campus is considered a favorite among students. Many of its students are high achievers. The campus area is vast, and it offers a wide range of highly sought-after courses. So, for those of you who are still undecided about where to go for college, head straight to IPI GARUT! It's guaranteed to help you become an accomplished individual. Let's go! 🔥💯

AlumniIn 2007, I studied here, guided by the best lecturers in their fields with strong and religious character. Alhamdulillah, after graduating cum laude with my bachelor's degree, I received BPPDN scholarships for my master's and doctoral studies at UPI. Now, I contribute to educating the best local talents who aspire to become teachers. Join us at the Indonesian Institute of Education!