IPI Garut's Commitment to Advancing Knowledge and International Research Collaboration
IPI Garut stands at the forefront of education and knowledge development. This commitment is supported by its vision: "To become a high-quality and competitive university in Southeast Asia in the fields of education and technology by 2042." As a testament to its dedication to addressing challenges in Indonesia's national development, IPI Garut remains steadfast in its commitment to advancing knowledge through active engagement in research activities. This reflects its unwavering resolve to contribute to the betterment of the nation.
IPI Garut focuses its research on curriculum and learning material development, innovation in teaching methodologies, assessment and evaluation of learning, teacher professional development, and information system engineering and analysis. To implement its research activities, IPI Garut has established five macro research groups, which are: Curriculum and learning material development Innovation in teaching methodologies Measurement and evaluation of learning Teacher professional development Information systems and technology In general, the research focus of IPI Garut can be illustrated in the following diagram: (Diagram placeholder or description can be added here if required.)
Over the past three years (2021, 2022, and 2023), IPI Garut has successfully published 627 research articles. Of these, 26 studies were funded by institutions outside IPI Garut, while the remainder were financed either by IPI Garut or independently by faculty members. IPI Garut has also established collaborations in research with both domestic and international institutions. Some notable research partners include: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Universitas Negeri Galuh Universitas Garut Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG) Malaysia IBTE Brunei Darussalam The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Oxford Brookes University These collaborations underscore IPI Garut's commitment to advancing knowledge and fostering global research partnerships.
Program Studi S-1 Pendidikan Biologi IPI Garut Raih Akreditasi Unggul
Garut, 06 Maret 2025 – Institut Pendidikan Indonesia (IPI) Garut kembali mencetak prestasi…
Selamat dan Sukses atas Pelantikan Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Garut Periode 2025-2030
Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut mengucapkan selamat dan sukses kepada Dr. Ir. H. Abdusy…
Selamat dan Sukses! Program Studi S-1 Pendidikan Matematika IPI Garut Raih Akreditasi Unggul (A)
Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan LAMDIK No. 127/SK/LAMDIK/Ak/S/II/2025, Program Studi S-1 Pendidikan Matematika Fakultas Ilmu…