The History of
Indonesian Institute of Education
National development and the enhancement of human resource quality are key factors that must be improved. This issue represents a national commitment, clearly emphasizing that human resource development is given the highest priority. In line with this perspective, improving the quality of human resources becomes an absolute necessity. Moreover, the current advancements in science and technology, coupled with the waves of globalization and information, demand highly skilled and competent human resources.
In Garut Regency, there is a private higher education institution with a strong commitment to quality and the needs of Indonesian society. In 1983, the Garut School of Teacher Training and Education (STKIP Garut) was established under the management of the Timbanganten Garut Foundation.
Over time, the Timbanganten Garut Foundation, along with other foundations managing higher education institutions in Garut, joined to form the Garut University Development Foundation (Notary Deed No. 32 of 1985), tasked with realizing the establishment of STKIP Garut. However, before this aspiration was achieved, each higher education institution returned to being managed by its respective founding foundation.
To optimize the Tridharma activities (three pillars of higher education) at STKIP Garut, on April 11, 1990, the Timbanganten Garut Foundation was restructured and transformed into the Garut Education Foundation (YPG) under Notary Deed No. 14 by Leontine Anggasurya, SH. Subsequently, the foundation underwent another transformation, becoming the Griya Winaya Garut Foundation based on Notary Deed No. 11, dated March 31, 2017, issued by the Notary Office of Mrs. Yayah Kusnariah, S.H. This change in legal status was approved by the Minister of Law and Human Rights under Decree No. AHU-00000268.AH.01.05 of 2017, dated April 13, 2017.
In early 2016, specifically in February, the then Chairman of STKIP Garut, Prof. Dr. H. Nizar Alam Hamdani, M.M., M.T., M.Si., M.Kom, submitted a proposal to transform the higher education institution from STKIP Garut into the Indonesian Institute of Education (Institut Pendidikan Indonesia).
As a result, in November 2017, the Griya Winaya Garut Foundation received a decree from the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, numbered 653/KPT/I/2017, concerning the transformation of the Garut School of Teacher Training and Education (STKIP) into the Indonesian Institute of Education (IPI).
This transformation brought new enthusiasm and commitment to the Indonesian Institute of Education (Institut Pendidikan Indonesia) in its mission to realize national intelligence. The proposal to transform STKIP Garut into the Indonesian Institute of Education was made possible through the hard work and dedication of the then Chairman of STKIP Garut, who is now the Rector of the Indonesian Institute of Education, Prof. Dr. Nizar Alam Hamdani, SE., MM., MT., M.Si., M.Kom.
Saat ini, IPI Garut memiliki 14 program studi, terdiri dari 10 program sarjana dan 3 program magister dan 1 program profesi. Institut Pendidikan Indonesia (IPI) Garut memiliki dua fakultas, Sekolah Pascasarjana dan Program Pendidikan Profesi Guru, yang mencakup berbagai program studi sebagai berikut:
a. Faculty of Applied Sciences and Science:
Undergraduate Study Programs:
(1) Biology Education
(2) Information Technology Education
(3) Physics Education
(4) Mathematics Education
(5) Information Systems
b. Faculty of Social Sciences, Language, and Literature:
Undergraduate Study Programs:
(1) Indonesian Language and Literature Education
(2) English Language Education
(3) Elementary School Teacher Education
(4) Social Science Education
(5) Education for Unity, Character, and National Pride
c. Graduate Programs:
Master's Degree Programs (S2):
(1) Indonesian Language and Literature Education
(2) Educational Technology
(3) Mathematics Education
d. Teacher Professional Education Program:
Professional Fields of Study:
(1) Mathematics
(2) Indonesian Language
(3) English Language
(4) Education for Unity, Character, and National Pride
IPI Garut is located at Jalan Pahlawan No. 32, Sukagalih, Tarogong Kaler, Garut, West Java, Indonesia. www.institutpendidikan.ac.id. Email: info@institutpendidikan.ac.id. The Indonesian Institute of Education (Institut Pendidikan Indonesia - IPI) Garut is a higher education institution that consistently demonstrates its commitment to providing high-quality and globally competitive education. This commitment is evidenced by its successful achievement of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 21001:2018 certifications. As a pioneer, IPI Garut upholds quality standards in management and education that align with global demands. These certifications reflect the institution's dedication to delivering high-quality educational services that meet the needs of the modern world.
As the only Teacher Education Institution (LPTK) offering the Teacher Professional Education Program (PPG) in Garut Regency, IPI Garut holds a strategic role in producing professional educators capable of addressing the challenges of the times.
This trust serves as tangible evidence of the institution's quality of education and academic capacity.
The academic excellence of IPI Garut is also evident from the success of its five study programs, which have achieved Superior Accreditation. This accomplishment underscores that IPI Garut is not only focused on improving internal quality but is also capable of competing at the national and international levels. This superior accreditation reflects IPI Garut's vision of becoming an excellent and competitive private university in Southeast Asia.
Moreover, IPI Garut actively participates in various international activities, such as joint research, participation in international academic events, and achieving notable accomplishments by its students and faculty on the global stage. Involvement in these global activities not only enhances the institution's reputation but also broadens the horizons of students and faculty toward the advancement of science and technology worldwide.
IPI Garut's contribution to its graduates is also significant. In 2023, nearly 65% of IPI Garut graduates successfully became civil servants (PNS) and P3K (Government Employees with Work Agreements) teachers, a figure that demonstrates the high level of trust from the government and society in the quality of IPI Garut graduates. This is further evidence that IPI Garut is not merely producing graduates but preparing them to actively and successfully contribute to the workforce. With all its achievements and contributions, IPI Garut continues to transform into a higher education institution committed to producing excellent, competitive, and globally capable graduates.